
Health & Finance

Hi BFF’s!

Money and health go hand in hand. Typically when your finances are in order, so is your health. Being financially unbothered can help eliminate:

  • High blood pressure (popular in the African American communities)
  • Muscle tension
  • Poor eating habits
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Shame
  • Stress
  • Most importantly, finances or the lack of should not be the reason you don’t visit the doctor (men, I’m talking to you, we need you).

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), in 2015, 72% of Americans said they felt stressed about money; the numbers are the same for 2020. Are you part of the 72 percent or the 28 percent? I prefer to be part of the 28 percent that is stress-free!

One-third said it’s the leading conflict in their relationships. I’m sure we can find other topics to argue about (ask my husband lol). I’d rather argue about what movie to watch vs. money. Relationship conflicts form due to the lack of effective communication. Communicating about money can be tough. Especially if one is a spender and the other is a saver. As a couple, you need to be on the same page following the same budget.  

Twenty percent of Americans said they would still be in debt if they liquidate their asset. That means if they sold their cars, jewelry, home, etc. they would still be in debt—what a horrible reality. 

Let’s eliminate stress, relationship conflict, and get healthy while becoming financially unbothered. Working out not only releases endorphins to help reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. It gets your body right and tight, minimizes doctor trips, and medication. 

I don’t know about you, but as I age (gracefully), I’d rather travel and spend money on shoes in Italy vs. weekly trips to the doctor and paying for overpriced medicine. 

Welp friends, that’s all I have today. Don’t forget to follow me:

IG @Financially_UB