I’m Aqila Collins also known as your financial BFF. By day I work a typical 9 to 5 in marketing, and by night I’m a financial coach. I focus on teaching my BFFs (that’s you) how to take control of your finances, eliminate stress, and let your money work for you baby!

Making money has always been easy for me. I’ve never been afraid of hardwork, as long as it made sense. Saving wasn’t my main priority yet I quickly learned how to manage less when I was fired from a job. Girl yes, fired. Don’t feel bad, I was about to quit and God had other plans. He allowed me to get fired to #1 humble myself, #2 rely on him, and #3 use that time to understand finances so I can share with you. See, everything happens for a reason.

I became a certified Financial Coach after praying to God about my purpose. Each time he revealed my purpose it was around finances. I asked God if he was sure and he revealed a bible verse that said, “only a fool keeps asking God for signs” (epic mic drop). I’ll wait…., get your laugh out. Yes, God called me a fool (smh/rotfl) and people say the man upstairs doesn’t have a sense of humor.

My goal is to share my passion for financial literacy, change the money conversation throughout our communities and help you become Financially Unbothered you forget payday! Let me help shift the narrative in your home from surviving to thriving.

I look forward to working with you!


Working with Aqila, I’ve seen my credit score jump 90 points. I could not be more excited as we move forward to purchase our new home. Thank you for your patience, guidance and support!

My mental health has greatly improved working with Aqila. She’s provided me with money management tools and helped hold me accountable as a friend would. Not only did I pay off debt but being financially unbothered removed my anxiety towards money. I can shop without feeling guilty. 

Financially Unbothered has helped changed the way my wife and I view and discuss money. In the past it always ended in a fight. We had the same goals in mind but didn’t fully know how to execute them or articulate them. Aqila is not only our financial BFF she’s been our marital coach some days as well. We thank her for all she’s done and continues to do as we go along this journey. 

Don’t second guess yourself, signing up with her is worth it!

I no longer dread answering my phone or checking the mail. Bill collectors have stopped calling and it feels great!

Aqila spoke at my daughters school and educated the students about budgeting and needs vs. wants. She was entertaining and kept students and parents interested. We look forward to having her return.

After working with Aqila, I’ve seen positive growth in my business. She has challenged me to think beyond my comfort zone and push the envelope. Thank you for holding me accountable.